Literatur zum Thema Business Modeling

Weitere Quellen (Paper, Dissertationen, Journals etc.)

Alt, R.; Zimmermann, H.-D.: Preface: Introduction to Special Section – Business Models. In Electronic Markets, 2001, 11; S. 3–9

Baumöl, U.; Österle, H.; Winter, R.: Business Engineering in der Praxis., 17.01.2011

Casadesus-Masanell, R.; Ricart, J. E.: From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics. In Long Range Planning, 2010, 43; S. 195-215

Casadesus-Masanell, R.; Ricart, J. E.: How to Design A Winning Business Model. In Harvard Business Review, JAN-FEB, 2011; S. 101–107

Chesbrough, H.: Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers. In Long Range Planning, 2010, 43; S. 354-363

Eyring, M. J.; Johnson, M. W.; Nair, H.: New Business Models In Emerging Markets. In Harvard Business Review, JAN-FEB, 2011; S. 89–95

Faschingbauer, M.: Effectuation. Wie erfolgreiche Unternehmer denken, entscheiden und handeln. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2010

Giesen, E. et al.: Paths to success: Three ways to innovate your business model., 13.12.2010

Gordijn, J.; Akkermans, H.: Does e-Business Modeling Really Help? In Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003; S. 1–10

Gordijn, J.; Akkermans, H.; van Vliet, H.: Business Modelling Is Not Process Modelling. In Proceedings of the Workshops on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for E-Business and The World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling: Conceptual Modeling for E-Business and the Web, 2000; S. 40-51

Greiner, L. E.: Evolution and revolution as organizations grow. In Harvard Business Review, 1972, 50; S. 37–46

Johnson, M. W.; Christensen, C. M.; Kagermann, H.: Reinventing Your Business Model. In Harvard Business Review, 2008; S. 50–59

Kagermann, H.; Österle, H.: Geschäftsmodelle 2010. Wie CEOs Unternehmen transformieren. FAZ-Inst. für Management- Markt- und Medieninformationen, Frankfurt am Main, 2007

Köppen, A.: Metamodell zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Geschäftsmodellen im Electronic Business Kontext. Dissertation, Saarland, 2003

Kowallik, T.: Erfolgschancen der Geschäftsmodelle von Start-ups im E-Commerce. Analyse von Erfolgsfaktoren. Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2004

Ladeira, S. A. Z.; Cagnin, M. I.: Guidelines for Business Modeling Elaboration based on Views from Domain Information. In Proceedings of Anais do WER07 – Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, 2007, 7; S. 47–55

Malone, T. W. et al.: Do Some Business Models Perform Better than Others? Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006

McCracken, G. D.: Culturematic. How reality TV, John Cheever, a Pie Lab, Julia Child, fantasy football, Burning man, the Ford Fiesta movement, Rube Goldberg, NFL films, Wordle, Two and a half men, a 10,000 year symphony, and ROFLcon memes will help you create and execute breakthrough ideas. Harvard Business Press, Boston, Mass, 2012

Morris, M.; Schindehutte, M.; Allen, J.: The entrepreneur‘s business model: toward a unified perspective. In Journal of Business Research, 2005, 58; S. 726-735

Mylopoulos, J.: Information modeling in the time of the revolution. In Information Systems, 1997, 23; S. 127-155

Nenonen, S.; Storbacka, K.: Business model design: conceptualizing networked value co-creation. In International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2010, 2; S. 43–59

o.V.: Business Modeling Workbook., 10.12.2010

Samavi, R.; Yu, E.; Topaloglou, T.: Strategic reasoning about business models. A conceptual modeling approach. Springer-Verlag, 2008

Scheer, C.; Deelmann, T.; Loos, P.: Geschäftsmodelle und internetbasierte Geschäftsmodelle. Begriffsbestimmung und Teilnehmermodell. Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, 2003

Seelig, T.: InGenius. ;. Unleash Your Creativity to Transform Obstacles into Opportunities. HarperCollins Publishers Limited, 2012

Stähler, P.: Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Ökonomie. Eul, Lohmar, St.Gallen, 2001

Teece, D. J.: Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation. In Long Range Planning, 2009, 43; S. 172-194

Timmers, P.: Business Models for Electronic Markets. In Electronic Markets, 1998, 8; S. 3-8

Wang, L.; Jaring, P.; Wallin, A.: Developing a conceptual framework for business model innovation in the context of open innovation. In Procceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, 2009. DEST ’09., 2009

Weill, P.; Vitale, M. R.: Place to space. Migrating to ebusiness models. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Mass., 2001

Yu, E. S. K.: Social modeling for requirements engineering. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2011

Zollenkop, M.: Geschäftsmodellinnovation. Gabler Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Bamberg, 2006